Monday, December 15, 2008

Welcome to my Blog!

Since the Feeley family insists on spending 90% of our conversations talking about:

A) What we just ate
B) What we are about to eat
C) What we are serving for the next meal
D) Where any of the above came from
E) What any of the above costs
F) How much you overpaid for these items, where it could have been purchased for less money, and the difference in cost

I thought we could all blog and keep each other in the loop on these very important issues.


  1. This is the greatest gift EVER!!! We can update all our meals so Jack doesn't have to call us for the daily updates.
    I am going out for lunch today will probably spend $10 on a salad. I know it's a lot, but I don't know of any bargains downtown. But now I have this great resource, so maybe you can share some ideas ;-)

  2. OMG, this is the greatest thing ever!! Just so everyone knows- I made Chilli for the second time in my life yesterday. My mom's usual recipe, but I used lean ground beef. We topped it off with reduced fat sour cream, 2% shredded cheddar, and saltines. it was delicious, and a little bit healthier than regular chilli. Vance had a turkey panini (made at home) for lunch, and I had my usual peanut butter toast and milk. We are unsure of our dinner, but I will update you all as soon as I know. Thanks Chris!!

  3. what about the expiration date

  4. janice and i had lunch today at a local place on 50 that used to be called Chesapeake chicklen. We had a two for 1 coupon

  5. I had a turkey sandwich at home today made on my paninni press. Turkey was $10.99/lb at Balduccis. I know it's expensive but is so good!

  6. I got a Salad from Au Bon Pain, for my lunch, today. I also got a diet Pepsi. They do not offer Coca-Cola products, which I prefer. Chris has a business dinner tonight, so CJ and I are on our own. Not sure what we are going to have. If I ask him, I am sure he will suggest noodles.

  7. By the way, I made Christmas cookies this past weekend, when I was at the bay. I took the baking soda out of the cabinet and checked the expiration date, of course. It expired in 2003. Now do you see why I am so neurotic about it? The baking soda had expired almost 6 years ago. Can you believe Jack and Janice actually packed that up and paid someone to move it from Chevy Chase??? Talk about wasting money!!

  8. Forgot to mention one other thing - Jack would be appalled. Chris bought Diet Coke at the Store yesterday for $4 a case. He thought that was a good deal. I told him Jack would go thirsty before paying that price

    Get ready for tomorrow's update. I have a work Christmas party. I can share all the yummy details once it's over. I am going to bring my standard Brie en Croute with Apple Compote.

  9. just had lunch at a truck stop on 301 meatloaf, mased potatoes, mixed vegies and minstrone soup and roll. Gave roll to Sammy Silvy had wet food and milk today last night had crab soup and grilled cheese at legion $6.00

  10. coming to town tomorrow ld's closing where should i have lunch?? can't decide

  11. i had sushi today for lunch, i know all of you, especially jack, are probably disgusted

  12. oh yeah, tongiht i am going to a friends house from junior league, she is having a few of us over for dinner, so i will have a full report tomorrow
