Thursday, December 18, 2008

Family Crab Feast

As the Holiday's draw near, the memories of year’s past warm my heart. This family is fortunate enough to break bread many times throughout the year. Please share some of your favorite family meals. I think this picture is a great reflection of such gatherings.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Welcome to my Blog!

Since the Feeley family insists on spending 90% of our conversations talking about:

A) What we just ate
B) What we are about to eat
C) What we are serving for the next meal
D) Where any of the above came from
E) What any of the above costs
F) How much you overpaid for these items, where it could have been purchased for less money, and the difference in cost

I thought we could all blog and keep each other in the loop on these very important issues.